Cheese Hedgehog Cafe

Name: Cheese Hedgehog Cafe

Kind: Petting Café

Location: 35°42’05.46″ N 139°46’18.05″ E

Stations: Akihabara Station, JR Lines, Hibya Metro Line

Free Wifi: Yes

Our Rating: ⭑⭑⭑

Worth it? For a good laugh.

Address: 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 4 Chome−4−3

Updated 8/25/2021


Japan is nothing if not quirky.

Cheese Hedgehog Cafe is a café in Akihabara where you can rent-a-hedgehog to pet for up to 30 minutes.

No, this isn’t a traditional café with food – its for sitting + petting hedgehogs – and that’s all.

Hey, we told you Japan was weird.


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