©2019-2020 tenmintokyo.com
Name: Itabashi
Kind: Town
Location: 35°44’45.85″ N 139°43’03.77″ E
Our Rating: ⭑⭑⭑⭑
Updated 7/24/21
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The West Side, Foot Paths, and Don Quijote

The west side of Itabashi is a long 2-lane highway running north to east. Head south from here and you’ll end up in Ikebukuro.
If you head out to the west side of Itabashi you can get a nice neighborhood walk through residential backstreets, and along a nice brick footpath which will lead you out to a major 2-lane highway which leads south to Ikebukuro.

Backstreets, Itabashi.
To get here from the west side square, follow the way we describe in Part 2 to the Yorkmart grocery, head south, cross the train tracks, and make an immediate right down the first street on your right:

On the right side of this street is a long footpath which winds for several blocks, and then turns left:

As you come to the end of this first part, be on the lookout for a turn to the left in the path shown here:

You’ll pass this apartment complex, and the now-abandoned Ruhe Coffee Shop:

On the way, you’ll also cross many side streets such as this:

And more small houses such as this:

As you pass this chomé sign, you’ll know you’re getting close:

As you come to this part of the path, with lots of trees, you’re getting near the end. At the end of the path, there will be a big red Eneos gas station sign on the right. At this point, turn left.

Along the way you’ll see many stop signs, which in Japan are red triangles:

As you turn left, Don Quijote discount store will be on your left. There is also a nice bicycle shop and golf shop right next to it:

Don Quijote discount store in Itabashi – look for the crazed penguin.

The madness that is Don Quijote.

In Don Quijote, you can even get a Press Sand Maker for a mere $15 USD.

Past Don Quijote, if you follow this highway and head south, you will arrive in Ikebukuro. But be careful – it’s very easy to get lost on backstreets and wind up on the other side of town in no time.
Well, that’s it for this 3-part guide to Itabashi. We hope you’ve found this guide useful – and we hope you will enjoy your trip to Itabashi.
Additional Photos

Another view of the street up north from the station.

Another view inside the refurbished station.

Looking back out south from the station into the central square.

Another view of the central square. The brown and tan bldg. on the right is the new station building.

Another view of the Koban. The new station entrance is on the right.

The staircase at the end of the new station heading up to the north side.