Name: Chocolate Promanade
Kind: Chocolatier
Location: Daimaru Depato @ Tokyo Station
Station: Tokyo Station
Address: 1-9-1 10F Daimarutokyo Yaesu North, Marunouchi, Chiyoda 100-6710 Tokyo Prefecture
Free Wifi: Unknown
Our Rating: ⭑⭑⭑⭑
Worth it? If you’re in the area.
Updated 2/14/2022
©2022 tenmintokyo.com
Just in time for St. Valentine’s Day (in the US at least), we thought we’re mention Chocolate Promanade in DAIMARU at Tokyo Station.
This place has all kinds of great chocolates + other goodies. It’s easy to get to – exit the east (i.e. Yaesu) side of the station, and head just north on the sidewalk to the DAIMARU entrance.

DAIMARU is on the right @ Tokyo Station in the tall bldg. This is facing south.

The DAIMARU entrance at the Yaesu North Entrance @ Tokyo Station.