Name: Tokyo Dome City (TDC)
Kind: Town
Free Wifi: Yes
Location: 35°42’16.95″ N 139°45’10.95″ E
Station: Korakuen Station (M22) on the Metro Maronuchi Subway Line.
Worth it? Do not miss it.
Our Rating: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑
Updated 3/14/2021
©2019-2021 tenmintokyo.com
Now that you’ve got your bike parked (or took the train and walked) it’s time to head to Tokyo Dome City. From the bike park mentioned in Part I, head south on foot, and at the next light hang a left. This puts you onto a sidewalk which has an entrance to the Tokyo Dome City courtyard.
Shops (the LaQua area) are on the right, including a great nana’s green tea on the 2nd floor on your left, and the ticket booth in a few yards ahead on the right. There’s also a Baskin Robbins nearby as well as a host of other shops. nana’s green tea is known for their huge matcha green tea sundaes.
You can buy an individual attraction ticket, or a pass for around $40. There’s a roller coaster, ferris wheel, and water ride. After purchasing your ticket(s), keep heading south for the stairs or elevator to the rides. Some are up on the 4th + 5th floors.
You can walk the shopping + food levels before or after the rides. Most of them are on the left.

LaQua shopping + food levels.

nana’s green tea is on the 2nd floor – a must-visit.

The food court level near LaQua.

A map of the LaQua area on the 1st floor.

Map of TDC overall. Up is north.

MeetsPort area with Tokyo Dome Hotel behind it.

Another night view of MeetsPort.

JR Suidobashi Station just south of TDC area.

The Big O ferris wheel is on the 5th floor.

After you’ve enjoyed the rides + shops, head further south on the 2nd flood and you’ll come to Tokyo Dome Stadium. There are more shops + food here, including a brand new Shake Shack burger place. There’s also a ballaprk store.

Tokyo Dome Stadium – photo taken from the 4th floor of the La Qua mall.

Hallway leading to Korakuen Station. There is also a spa + KFC at the end.

Korakuen Station. TDC is just to the left. The Maronuchi Line runs overhead.

Sidewalk looking south outside TDC.

A MOS Burger to the north of TDC on the east side of Hakusan Dori. Just to the north is Sugamo, and then Itabashi.

Tokyo Dome Hotel is right across the street to the south.

Off to the east 14 miles is the fabulous Tokyo Sky Tree.
Keep walking, and eventually you’ll come to an overpass walkway. There’s a Denny’s and even a First Cabin capsule hotel, shown on the right below.

Look to your left on the walkway and you’ll see the MeetsPort shopping mall a block to the east..

On an overpass to the south. MeetsPort is the lighted circular building on the left. Suidobashi Station is to the right. This is facing east.

Another view of MeetsPort.
This is where things get interesting. If you exit the walkway down to the street, you’ll see Suidobashi Station right in front of you. Walk past it, then hang a left onto Suidobashi Blvd.

This gets more into the business district, but there are endless restaurants + shops on Suidobashi Blvd. as well.

There’s also a small coin locker behind the station where you can stash your stuff – if you can find a empty one.

The side streets and the alleyways.

There are endless fascinating restaurants such as Cheese Meets Meat on Suidobashi Blvd.

There’s also the ubiquitous MOS Burger a few blocks down.

You can easily walk 5 miles down Suidobashi Blvd. and not get bored.

Also – behind Suidobashi Station there is another massive hidden bike parking area.

Circle back to Suidobashi Station and your journey is complete – well, almost.

Climb up onto the pedestrian walkway next to Suidobashi Station for a bird’s eye view. Including another great restaurant below: No Noodles, No Life.

One last stop you may want to make on your way home: another mega Don Quijote discount store right across the street to the northeast of Tokyo Dome City.

Tokyo Dome City from the southeast. The Hub British pub is shown on the corner.

Another view of the above scene, but approaching from the south. Don Quijote is on the right. If you turn right (east) here, you’ll be on the street that eventually takes you to Ueno:

Tokyo Drew has a few nice vids on the Tokyo Dome area:
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