©2019-2020 tenmintokyo.com Name: Itabashi Kind: Town Location: 35°44’45.85″ N 139°43’03.77″ E Our Rating: ⭑⭑⭑⭑ Updated 7/24/21 Also see Part 1, Part 2. Page may take…
Edo-Tokyo Museum
The Edo-Tokyo museum is a huge historical museum located just outside the JR Ryogoku Station. This museum is a must-see in Tokyo. It’s scale is…
the tokyo files: maps マッピング東京 – Exploring Tokyo and Japan, one map at a time
A very cool site with lots of maps of Tokyo. https://thetokyofilesmaps.wordpress.com/
The 7 Parks of East Tokyo
A great little site about the 7 best parks in E Tokyo. http://tokyo-eastpark.com/en/
Vending Machines in Japan
©2019-2020 tenmintokyo.com Japan is crazy about vending machines. Many models are shown below. These contain mostly drinks, but in some areas hot + cold meals,…